Tucked between the palaces and shrines of the Joseon dynasty...

Tucked between the palaces and shrines of the Joseon dynasty, Bukchon is a village steeped in history, and stacked into the centre of downtown Seoul.

This odd combination of centrality and history has left Bukchon’s identity conflicted over the years. In the past, it has been used pragmatically – and sometimes unsympathetically – to serve housing needs in the city centre. But more recently, the historic ‘hanoks’ (or Korean houses) in the village have been preserved under a conversation programme.

The village has become a living museum.

Yet the impact of this isn’t quite what one might expect. Rather than pickling the village in reconstructed versions of what life would have been like 300 years ago, the Bukchon Regeneration Project has injected new investment and fresh ideas into Bukchon.

While the historic buildings have been preserved beautifully, they now play host to boutique coffee shops, sleek design galleries, and luxury shopping experiences. It is a striking balance between old and new – and a crowd pleaser for visitors seeking culture, in all its guises.


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